misResultados is a provider of services for transmission and protection of patient health information for the health industry and sector of Puerto Rico. Our services are used to facilitate the transmission and access to patient health information to medical offices, health service providers such as clinical laboratories and organizations or entities that provide health services. By accessing, using our cyber portal and using our services, you accept our ‘TERMS AND CONDITIONS’ policy.
The information that you will find here has no use as a substitute or in the place of a visit, call, consult or advice of your healthcare provider. misResultados do not recommend self-diagnosis or self-management of health problems. If you have any questions related to health or health care, call a doctor or other health care provider. You, as a patient, should never ignore the instructions of your health care provider. Nor should delay in the notification of information related to your health or in the search for opinion and / or medical treatment because you have read or accessed information on this site.
The information accessed through this portal is offered “as is” and without warranties or assumptions of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to, guarantees of correction, quality or implied warranties of merchantability for individual purpose. misResultados makes no warranty as to the reliability, accuracy, timeliness, usefulness or completeness of the information produced by a third party and transmitted and / or stored in part or in its entirety. misResultados cannot and does not guarantee against human errors or information systems, omissions, delays, interruptions or losses, including loss of data. misResultados does not guarantee that the files that are available for download from this portal are free of infection or viruses or other codes that cause contamination or destruction of information.
The information that you access in our portal comes from diverse providers of health services, and of diverse sources reason why misResultados will not be responsible for the information here provided under any theory of responsibility or indemnification. When you use our services through the cyber portal, you relieve misResultados of any liability, whatever the case, for damages (including, without limitation, liability resulting from contract, negligence, strict liability, patent offense or breach of Intellectual property rights).
Our portal offers links or electronic links from other health providers and related to health, so that the user can access the portals from ours. This facility is offered as a convenience to the user and misResultados does not accept responsibility for the content, products, services and / or information that the user finds and / or uses. misResultados does not control, maintain, support, promote or have affiliation, partnership or alliance with any of the owners of the cyber portals that are accessed through our portal. It is important that you notify misResultados when you do not receive a response when selecting the link or link that appears on our portal. You can notify us by sending an email to info@misresultadospr.com. With this notification our technical team can verify, with the owner of that link or link, the functioning of the connection to the cyber portal to which you cannot access.
misResultados may, in its sole discretion, amend the Terms and Conditions of use of our cyber portal. If you do not agree with the changes and / or amendments made, you must stop using our portal. If you continue to access and use our portal after the changes and / or amendments to the Terms and Conditions, that act is the acceptance of them.
The fact that misResultados do not enforce any of the Terms and Conditions of Use, does not constitute the relieving of responsibility of the user towards our cybernetic portal and the terms and conditions of use. If any of the Terms and Conditions of Use found null and void by a court with jurisdiction and competence to do so, the other provisions related to the Terms and Conditions will remain in force.
If the user has a written agreement with misResultados, is not substituted by the Terms and Conditions set forth herein. Each agreement, written and signed, as the Terms and conditions of use of our cyber portal, are independent.
This agreement is subject to be interpreted solely and exclusively by the courts of the jurisdiction of Puerto Rico. You, as a user and misResultados, agree to submit to the jurisdiction of Puerto Rico. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions limits the right of the parties to request remedies under equal conditions.
We have positioned ourselves as pioneers in an avant-garde service that facilitates electronic delivery of clinical test results to patients, laboratories and doctors.
Do you want to join our services? Contact us to receive an orientation